27 Things From Amazon That Just Want To Make Your Life Easier In The Kitchen
Check out a TikTok of the veggie chopper in action.
Promising review: “I finally decided it was time to give one of these a try. I always keep chopped bell peppers and onions in my freezer to have ready for fajitas, chili, etc. I dreaded the job of chopping everything so much that sometimes I would even have to throw away bell peppers because they went bad before I got to them. So for the loss of all of those peppers, I decided to compensate by getting one of these. What would take quite a while to do in the past now just takes a few minutes. And all of the pieces look so uniform and will cook so much more evenly! I wish I would have done this so long ago!” —Paula Bond
Price: $29.97+ (available in four sizes and four colors)