Green Party names candidate for York ward by-election
Ian Lowson will represent the party at the Haxby and Wigginton by-election for City of York Council on Thursday, November 28.
York born and bred, Mr Lowson has lived in Haxby since 2001 and been a Green Party member since 2015.
He said: “We live in one of the richest countries on the planet, yet some nurses are using food banks.
“Greens want the most wealthy with the broadest shoulders to contribute more in taxes to help rebuild and insulate schools, boost affordable housing and fix our failing NHS.
“Meanwhile, the climate emergency continues to accelerate with ever more extreme weather destroying lives and livelihoods around the globe.
“With your support the Green Party can change this. By taking bold action on climate, nature and the economy locally we can also create good jobs and make our neighbourhoods fairer, safer and healthier places to live.”
On the new government, Mr Lowson said: “Despite a new government, so many opportunities continue to be lost.
“The budget failed to grasp the scale of the problem, making some situations worse.
“Bus fares will increase from £2 to £3 – yet fuel tax has been frozen again, despite a fall in pump prices.
“Much of the extra funding for health and education will be swallowed up by higher costs and pay settlements.
“City of York and other councils are left struggling with rising costs and dwindling funding.”
He added: “As a Green Party councillor, I will lobby our MP’s and the government as well as the mayor and our council for the funding for better local health/dental services and a new local rail station, linked by good public transport and safe active travel routes.”
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As The Press reported, the by-election was called after Liberal Democrat councillor Ed Pearson announced last month that he will be stepping down from the role, having first been elected by residents in Haxby and Wigginton in 2019.
He and Lib Dem councillors Cuthbertson and Hollyer retained their seats in the May 2023 local elections with a total of 6,092 votes from the 10,838 ballots cast overall.
When announcing his plans to resign, Cllr Pearson said it had been an “honour and privilege” to serve as a ward councillor for the past five and a half years.
He said he was resigning to spend more time with his family, and focus on his health and wellbeing.
The candidates standing in the by-election are (in alphabetical order): John Crispin-Bailey, Reform UK; James Flinders, Labour and Co-operative Party; Ian Lowson, Green Party; Jessie Secker, Conservative Party; and Richard Watson, Liberal Democrats.